Archive ‘Entrepreneurship

In a world where everybody reads, appreciates, worships the likes of Steve Jobs. In a world where everybody claims “fake it until you make it”, where everybody is pushing the limits of ethics selling what they don’t have, hoping that they will be able to deliver before the hell brakes loose. In a world where […]

Investors are not emotional buyers. They don’t window-shop so they can take their credit card out of the pocket and just acquire something. “Now, quick, or else….”. They need to see the company becoming, evolving, getting into troubles and solving some of them – before even considering an investment. Sometimes they do this openly, sometimes […]

Startups die because of a bad product, they say. Because of bad management, they say. Reality is that the ultimate reason, the only reason companies die for is that they don’t have money to pay the bills.

As comenta un pic despre legea referitoare la investitiile de tip Business Angels, aflata in discutie publica . Au mai fost ceva discutii aici si exista undeva si textul propusei legi, dar nu il gasesc acum repede.

Back in November last year, I was drinking coffee at HTW and chatting with a good friend. He started telling me about how much profit he made by investing in Bitcoin. “Bit… what?” I asked and he told me a story related to a virtual currency, invented by a pseudonym (Satoshi Nakamoto) that was valued […]

  • adnana: I have just finished reading Bad Blood and it is just incredible. What I found it also incredible wa [...]
  • Florin Miron: As usually a cold shower from Radu. It's good and reasonable advice for entrepreneurs, not necessary [...]
  • Eduard: Excellent description on bitcoins, lol. and this was 4 years ago. [...]
  • Diana: Suntem in 2017 si se pare ca BTC inca se dezvolta. [...]
  • Flaviu Butean: Si eu folosesc 1Passoword, pe care il recomand mereu, cred ca este de un real folos. Nu stiu daca m [...]
Radu Georgescu