Costin Raiu

Daca ma pune cineva sa il descriu pe Costin intr-un cuvant, acela ar fi "geniu". Are toate caracteristicile potrivite - ceva nebunie, aroganta pe zonele cunoscute si modestie in rest, desteptaciune peste limite, dar mai ales un mod de a gandi in "shortcuts".

Un expert in securitate (probabil cel mai tare din lume, toate companiile AV alearga dupa el), a ales sa lucreze in Romania, impreuna cu Eugene Kaspersky. Invitat sa prezinte la toate conferintele de profil, face mereu sali pline.

Cel de la care a pornit visul RAV, care a construit singur inceputul si ne-a invatat cum sa mergem mai departe.

Dar mai ales un foarte bun prieten.

Published posts

Iran’s Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant When Iranians started building the Bushehr nuclear power plant in 1970 they asked the Germans for help. Things didn’t go too well so eventually they started building it through an agreement with the Russian government – however, the famous German company Siemens supplied most of the reactor control devices, including […]

Malware on Twitter

In: Guests / 8 comments / Written by:

15 Oct 2009

At Radu’s invitation, I will write about a project I’ve been working at lately. Although it might not be directly connected to entrepreneurial businesses, I hope you find it interesting. Costin

  • adnana: I have just finished reading Bad Blood and it is just incredible. What I found it also incredible wa [...]
  • Florin Miron: As usually a cold shower from Radu. It's good and reasonable advice for entrepreneurs, not necessary [...]
  • Eduard: Excellent description on bitcoins, lol. and this was 4 years ago. [...]
  • Diana: Suntem in 2017 si se pare ca BTC inca se dezvolta. [...]
  • Flaviu Butean: Si eu folosesc 1Passoword, pe care il recomand mereu, cred ca este de un real folos. Nu stiu daca m [...]
Radu Georgescu