Archive from the month July, 2009

One of the biggest mistakes a strategic decision maker in a company can make is to put feeling or get emotional in the decisions he makes. This is so obvious in all the recent history of Yahoo’s struggles! Microsoft and Yahoo have announced that they will work together under a protocol signed for 10 years in […]

What a nice word, translated fripturisti in Romanian – which is literally stake holders. At some point (I think in 1996), I read something about “Stakeholders”. The word seemed funny to me and I translated it with Fripturisti (meaning, literally, those who have a piece of the stake that is the company), but the concept […]

There are many people around me who have lived or are living interesting and/or relevant experiences for the entrepreneurial topic of this blog. Without being a professional in taking interviews (so be merciful, please 🙂 ), I thought that an open discussion with them might help. I’ll start therefore with an interview with Daniel Nicolescu, […]

Give me an idea since you said you had hundreds… 🙂 I go to many meetings with university students, high school students or simply young people in front of whom I try to promote the idea of entrepreneurship – trying to build something beautiful, useful and that brings value for clients, employees and shareholders. And […]

It’s one of the useful books (written by Michael A. Boylan) that made me think about the importance of the opportunity of talking 5 minutes with someone. I thought about presenting it briefly after someone asked me the other day what they could do to contact Mr. X who was unapproachable.

  • adnana: I have just finished reading Bad Blood and it is just incredible. What I found it also incredible wa [...]
  • Florin Miron: As usually a cold shower from Radu. It's good and reasonable advice for entrepreneurs, not necessary [...]
  • Eduard: Excellent description on bitcoins, lol. and this was 4 years ago. [...]
  • Diana: Suntem in 2017 si se pare ca BTC inca se dezvolta. [...]
  • Flaviu Butean: Si eu folosesc 1Passoword, pe care il recomand mereu, cred ca este de un real folos. Nu stiu daca m [...]
Radu Georgescu